Traveling down life’s road inevitably throws many hurdles in our paths which requires our attention before continuing the journey. What makes or breaks us is how we handle to those roadblocks. Some of us run fast, jump high, and clear those hurdles like trained athletes while others come to a screeching halt.
None of us are exempt from life’s problems.
As I look at the many hurdles I’ve had to jump through the years and the problems I’ve faced I am convinced that my guardian angels must have a nervous twitch by now. You may laugh, but I know you can relate.
There were times when I thought my life couldn’t get any worse…then it did. I found myself white knuckled as I gripped the steering wheel driving to work. I literally had to remind myself to breathe. Sound familiar? Have you had such heart-breaking, distraught times that you had to remind yourself to actually breathe? Sounds crazy doesn’t it?
Life’s hurdles come in all sizes. Some are frustrating… like weight issues or a worrisome neighbor, while others are almost unbearable… like a wayward child, life-threatening illnesses, or watching a family member take their last breath.
Maybe your hurdles are depression, anger, trust issues, financial problems, jobless, homeless, hopeless, drug addictions, drinking problems, sexual addictions, stress that affects your health, a pregnant teen, a rebellious teen, an abusive marriage or relationship, an unfaithful spouse, hatred, or bitterness.
This is just a short list of hurdles/problems we may face during our life’s journey, but there is an answer. God. A relationship with Jesus Christ.
I don’t know about you, but if Christ hadn’t been in my life during my most trying times I don’t know that I could have survived. Christ helped me through the dark places in the road. I don’t know how. I didn’t physically see Him and I didn’t audibly hear Him, but once I made it over that hurdle I knew it was only by God’s grace and mercy that I made it through and can now call myself…a survivor.
God saved me from self-destruction over rebellious teens and family issues, not to mention the rest. I’ve always been a “good” girl with a peace-maker personality, but that didn’t exempt me from suffering and facing many hurdles. Being good didn’t save me either. God saved me when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. Am I preaching? NO. I’m only telling you about ME.
But I will say this: If you don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son, you can never know true peace in your life. Christ is the pole-vault who will thrust you over those uncertain places.
Don’t be alone when you jump life’s hurdles.
DiAnn Mills says
Sometimes we simply have to close our eyes, focus on Jesus, and jump those hurdles!
Loretta Eidson says
You’re absolutely right, DiAnn. I call that a leap of faith.
Darlene L. Turner says
Hurdles shape us into who we are. Sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, depending on how we choose to handle it. I praise God He’s always there for us!! Great post, Loretta! Thanks for sharing.
Loretta Eidson says
Thank you Darlene. This is so true. A lot of times we have to make the choice to face them head on and be happy despite the trials.