Award-winning author Loretta Eidson lives by the motto ‘never a dull moment,’ especially with her four children, thirteen grandchildren, and four great-grands. Her love of reading began during the required library time in middle school, where she devoured Phyllis Whitney’s mystery novels before she moved on to suspense author Frank Peretti. She left her eighteen-year administrative assistant position at her church to pursue the dream of writing inspirational romantic suspense. She has multiple short stories in anthologies, but her heart is writing romantic suspense. She believes in the power of prayer and loves putting her hero and heroine in realistic predicaments where they must trust God to pull them through.
She is the author of three novels published by Love Inspired Suspense. Pursued in the Wilderness, Blue Ridge Mountain Escape, and The Marine’s Deadly Reunion.
Loretta’s literary agent is Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.
You can connect with Loretta on her Facebook author page or her monthly newsletter
Fun Stuff About Loretta
Loretta Eidson grew up in Memphis, TN. The truth about her is she . . .
. . . was chased by a rhino in Kenya while on a safari
. . . was selected by a Maasai Warrior to engage in a wedding dance – to her
. . . has parasailed over the ocean but promised never to do it again
. . . has survived multi-twists on a roller coaster
. . . is a recovering introvert
. . . is a natural blonde
She loves God, family, friends, and all her social media followers and enjoys the three C’s: Coffee, Chocolate, & Caramel.
She lives in North Mississippi in the growing city of Olive Branch.
Loretta has traveled to some neat places: Africa, Italy, Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. She hopes to visit England, Ireland, Switzerland, and Jerusalem someday.
Speaking topics: Writer’s Toolbox Devotion and Understanding Writer’s Lingo. Her latest topic as an AWSA certified coach is You Are God’s Masterpiece, Encouragement for Aspiring Writers.