During high school and college, I worked at a local pharmacy. Both owners attended the same church as I did, and I welcomed their godly, fatherly advice on many occasions. One pharmacist was quite the humorist, and I’ve shared one of his jokes over the years.
He explained that he never flew, because “Jesus said, ‘Low, I am with you always.’” He told us he planned to stay on the ground for his safety.
Recently, while attending a convention in Nashville, my daughter woke me with an early morning text. “I made it to Charlotte, but my connector flight is canceled.”
I did what most mothers do first – panicked.
Our whole family – this stranded child, her two brothers, her father and I – had plans to meet at my other daughter’s home in Chattanooga for the weekend. This marked the first time Jessica flew alone, and I’d already struggled with a bit of anxiousness over the event.
She called right after sending the text, and I reminded her that her dad and brother would be driving through Atlanta to get to Chattanooga and to check on a flight there.
THEN I did what I should’ve done in the first place.
I prayed.
I shot off a text to her siblings asking for prayer. And, I sent out a plea in a group text to my writing buddies for prayer.
Jessica’s next text said, “I have a seat on a flight to Atlanta.” I sent happy emojis back, but I silently wondered if that flight would get canceled.
On the expo floor, I spotted two dear writer friends and shared my worry-mom plight. They both immediately stopped what they were doing and prayed with me. Another friend prayed for Jessica at a table amidst the crowded expo floor.
Soon, I got a text from my daughter, “boarded and buckled.” Whew … thank you, God!
I couldn’t help but think of my former boss’s joke when she was safely en route, but I’m just glad to know that correctly-spelled version rings true: “…and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:20 KJV)
Julie Lavender loves reminding families and children that God is with them always, low, high, and everywhere in-between. She enjoyed pointing that out in both of her recent books, 365 Ways to Love Your Child: Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories, published by Revell, and Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime, published by a Penguin Random House imprint. She also enjoyed sharing her thoughts on an episode of Focus on the Family Broadcast in January of this year. (You can listen to the broadcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti_1-eOtcjA.) Julie would love to connect with you at julielavenderwrites.com or on social media.
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Thank you, Julie, for the reminder to stop and pray rather than fret and worry.
Thank you so much for this post. I am sometimes guilty of panic first and prayer later. I’ve asked God to help me go to Him first and then praise Him for His awesome answer. He is faithful, and His mercies are new every day.
Yvonne, I think most of us are guilty at times of stressing first, then praying. I, for one, need to keep Him first and foremost in my thoughts. Maybe I won’t freak out during stressful moments. Thank you for your comment.
Yvonne, I’m so guilty of panic and worry first .. it’s an in-going battle with me, but I’m working on it!! I’m so thankful God hangs on to me and waits patiently foe me to turn to Him!! Blessings!