Welcome to another Lesson Learned through Life Experiences. I’m honored to have Ginny Dent Brant with us today, sharing her life experience.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
Psalms 139:14 (NKJV)
Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. Fearfully when translated from the Hebrew means with “great reverence, heart-felt interest and respect.” Wonderfully in this verse in Hebrew means “unique”—like a one of a kind work of art. It took my cancer journey for me to realize how our bodies are also intricately made with self-healing mechanisms that enable us to fight disease, regenerate, and even kill cancer cells on a daily basis.
My cancer diagnosis sent me on a quest to discover how a health nut like me got an aggressive breast cancer for which I had no risk factors or genetics. This motivated me to dive deeper. Instead of blaming God for my dilemma, I realized I needed to examine my lifestyle. Our immune system is God’s gift to us. What was I doing that prevented my immune system from working as God intended?
I discovered many things I was doing that suppressed my God-given immune system. The information I uncovered challenged me to make productive changes. Maybe I was not the health nut I claimed to be.
I’m grateful that our bodies were created to heal by our Master Creator. Even after a year of chemotherapy, my body was able to heal and regenerate. My hair grew back. My red and white blood cells and platelets returned to normal levels within six weeks after chemotherapy ended. My doctors celebrated and called me their “Rock Star” cancer patient as this normally takes several years.
This recovery would not be possible if our bodies were not intricately created with self-healing and regenerating mechanisms. It’s all a part of His marvelous works and plans. Why did I recover so quickly? My research uncovered things I could do to enhance my immune system. My doctors have their job, but I also can be a part of unleashing my own body’s God-given healing! My body and soul knows well.
Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power in Washington, DC. She has battled cancer, ministered around the world, and served as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor. Brant’s award-winning book, Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World, was endorsed by Chuck Colson and featured in many TV and media interviews. Her recent book, “Unleash Your God-given Healing: Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer” was written with commentary from an oncologist and medical researcher. It was recognized with a Golden Scrolls Award, named a Selah Award Finalist, chosen second place with a Director’s Choice Award, recognized with a Lighthouse Recognition Award, and recently awarded the CAN (Christian Authors Network) Gold Marketing Award. Learn more and cancer and wellness prevention blog at www.ginnybrant.com.
About my book:
Unleash Your God-given Healing is the book I never wanted to write. When first diagnosed with cancer, I kept quiet about my diagnosis. When my oncologist ordered genetic testing because I had not one of the risk factors for my cancer, it shocked me that I had none. This sent me on a quest to discover what caused a health nut to develop an aggressive and deadly cancer and what I could do to help my doctors to beat it, lessen the side effects, and prevent recurrence.
After thousands of hours of research, I uncovered important information that I did not know before. Many of my questions were answered. I discovered we are all at high risk for cancer in this culture and if we don’t put a plan of prevention in place. Not wanting anyone else to endure what I went through motivated me to put my findings into a simple to read format. With a clever analogy to “The Wizard of Oz,” I reveal how this “Dorothy” got back home to a normal and healthy life.
Whether you’re determined to prevent this deadly disease, survive it, or prevent its recurrence, my book pulls back the curtain on cancer and answers the question “What can I do to help my doctor beat this disease?” I challenge you to change what your doctor has no control over—your lifestyle and health habits.
Unleash Your God-given Healing connects the dots between nutrition, lifestyle, integrative and conventional medicine, and biblical wisdom to reveal how your body was created with self-healing mechanisms that work optimally when you do your part. By implementing a few lifestyle changes, you can begin building your immune system while lowering your toxic load. This frees your body to work as God intended, thereby unleashing your God-given healing!
Have you experienced a similar situation? Feel free to comment below.
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