After reading Ted Dekker’s Rise of the Mystics, I discovered that he writes from a deep-rooted spiritual point of view and his daughter, Rachelle, has developed the same gifting. The Girl Behind the Red Rope had me questioning where the story was going. Who or what is the Fury the characters keep referring to? Why can’t they go behind the red rope? My first instinct was to read about half-way through the book before writing a review, but I became enthralled by this gripping story and couldn’t put it down. In one sense The Girl Behind the Red Rope reminded…
Fatal Strike by DiAnn Mills
If you haven’t read DiAnn’s new release now’s the time to get your hands on a copy and get started. As Lynette Eason says, “DiAnn Mills Never Disappoints.” I must agree. The opening scenes are filled with action which keeps the adrenaline flowing through to the end. Special Agent Leah Riesel and her newly assigned partner Agent Jon Colbert fight for their lives while investigating a murder. Rattlesnakes aren’t my thing, but the deadly use of their venom being injected into law enforcement officials keeps your feet tucked under you on the couch and your nose in the novel while…
How Can We Possibly be Brave During Grief by Janet Thompson
Welcome, Janet! I’m excited to have you join me today on my blog during your Everyday Brave Blog Tour Giveaway! I invite everyone to comment at the end of Janet’s article for a chance to win an autographed copy of her new release Everyday Brave. I’m even more excited and honored to have my personal “brave” experience included in her book. Here’s Janet: “Mom, they sentenced me to ten years in prison.” In Everyday Brave, Loretta Eidson tells the story of how a phone call from her son plunged her down the deep dark hole of depression. Loretta grieved for…
God is Not Our Virtual Assistant by DiAnn Mills
Recently, I heard a speaker state God was a virtual assistant. The claim didn’t resonate with me. In fact, it irritated me, so I dug deeper for a definition and the qualifications for a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant is self-employed and generally works from home to assist a client or clients with professional, technical, communication, and creative advice. Nothing spiritual in that definition. The need for a virtual assistant is basic: reduce our work load, give us more time personally and professionally, and flexibility. Nothing spiritual there either. To be among the five-star virtual assistants, one must: Express him/herself…
Surviving Life’s Dark Clouds
Have you ever felt like a dark cloud keeps hovering over your head and everything that could go wrong…does? Storms pop up along life’s path and we become engulfed in a flood of unwelcomed circumstances that take us on unexpected detours. Detours that take us away from our daily routines and responsibilities. We all face times when it seems God might have forgotten to shield us with his protective arms, and yet, we know in our hearts that He is right there with us every minute of every day. He never forgets who we are or what we’re going through….