I am a deep thinker.
I ponder all types of scenarios. Like, what story would that single tree surrounded by an open field tell if it could talk? How many storms did it withstand? How many people sought relief from the summer heat under the shade of its branches? What crops grew in the field around it?
What’s the story behind an abandoned home left to rot? Did the owners pack up to travel and never returned? Was the family called to the mission field and found peace in a new land?
What about the rickety rocking chair or the empty porch swing? What emotions or dreams did the people who occupied them experience? How many babies slept in the arms of their parents or grandparents while they rocked? How many adults, teens, and children were comforted by the constant motion? Were dreams and goals envisioned and planned during this time of relaxation?
How many generations were part of the history of each object?
What type of jobs did the people have and how did they feel about the choices they made in life? Were they happy and joyful or were their lives full of sadness? Were they wealthy or did they struggle to make ends meet? Did they have a large family or was their home quiet and lonely?
My imagination shifts as I slip my feet into their shoes. Some worn with holes while others are tight and uncomfortable. Heavy boots, high heels, tennis shoes, flip-flops, or barefoot. See what I mean? I think about this stuff.
Did they live a life filled with love and affection or criticism and abuse? Did everyone celebrate each success or accomplishment, or were their achievements down-played and ignored?
I suppose all this deep thinking should help make me a great writer, and I’m working toward this goal. Even though I ponder situations involving the history of objects, I don’t research them unless I’m going to refer to one in one of my novels.
I write romantic suspense, so why I think like this, I cannot explain, only that my mind loves to reminisce and delve into the past. I’m not a history buff, so I’ll leave historical novels to those who write it best. However, I spent a lot of time during my childhood on my grandparent’s farm, so looking back I see a lot of how I think comes from reminders and objects of past experiences.
What about you? What quirky or not-so-quirky thing do you do that you don’t share with others?
I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to comment below!
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