The unexpected happens when Brooke Moore, a former army intelligence officer, takes leave and arrives in Texas to find her cousin’s killer and meets up with her cousin’s ex-boyfriend, FBI agent Colby Avery. Everyone takes a second and third look, including Colby, because she is her cousin’s look-alike.
Brooke becomes the killer’s target and can’t seem to find a moment’s rest. Colby makes it his responsibility to protect her from the attackers, making him a target. They work together, hoping to find evidence to bring the killer to justice.
Texas Killer Connection is non-stop action. The threats are real, emotions are real, and death is inevitable.
I highly recommend this inspirational romantic suspense novel.
Virginia Vaughan is a multi-published author of inspirational romantic suspense with Love Inspired Suspense. Blessed to come from a large, southern family, her fondest memories include listening to stories recounted by family and friends around the large dinner table. She was a lover of books even from a young age, devouring gothic romance novels and stories of romance, danger, and love. She soon started writing them herself. A former investigator for the State of Mississippi, Virginia utilizes her criminal justice background with her love of writing to transform words into powerful stories of romance and danger.
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