The first time I attended Jerry Jenkins’ Writing for the Soul Conference, February 2011, I thought I was having an out of body experience. I was extremely nervous. I wanted to plaster myself against the wall to watch, listen, and learn without being noticed. I wondered if anyone could sense my fear. It wasn’t until I took the initiative to step out of my comfort zone and mingle with the crowd that I discovered most of the writers attending were just as nervous.
The second time to the conference, February 2012, was a little less stressful. I met new friends and didn’t feel as alone as the first time. During this visit, fear and intimidation didn’t stifle my ability to think. I received great teaching on plot and characterization from the professionals. I discovered that editors and agents don’t bite. They may not ask to see what you’ve written but they can certainly point you in the right direction.
This conference, February 2013, was the most fun. I hooked up with my friends and my writing mentor, DiAnn Mills. I wasn’t nervous and I was better prepared to pitch my novel to agents and editors. I was thrilled when I heard the words I’d longed to hear: I’d like to take a look at your manuscript. Send me a proposal. Now I’m waiting to hear: I’ll take it.
Darlene Turner, Loretta (me with the flashy necklace), and Diane Homm enjoyed spending time with our Craftsman Mentor, DiAnn Mills (dressed in blue). DiAnn is such fun. I wish everyone could meet her. She is a fabulous romantic suspense writer.
DiAnn will be my guest right here on Loretta’s Loft in March. Sign up to join my blog by entering your email address. This way no one will miss out on blog visits by other authors and my writing progress. I’d love for you to pass the word to your friends to join my journey.
I enjoyed visiting with Janice Mitchell, Director of Christian Writers Guild. Janice is a wonderful lady, beautiful on the inside and out. She gives away smiles and offers assistance in any way possible.
It was extremely informative listening to Steven James expound on how tension drives a story forward. His enthusiasm spilled over into the classroom. It was fun being selected to be a participant of an impromptu skit. He picked four people from our class to act out fear, love, and anger. Each person secretly selected one of the three remaining actors to express one of these emotions. Then, the class had to guess which one was in love, which one was afraid, and which one was angry.
This conference was at the magnificent Broadmore hotel. My, my, what a beautiful place. I only wish everyone could experience the beauty of the hotel with the surrounding snow covered mountain view in Colorado Springs, CO.
My purpose in sharing this post is to help you see that dreams can come true. Taking that first step of faith can be the most difficult, but also the most rewarding. For me, my writing is not to be about me and who I am, but about God and who He wants me to be. This stands true for you.
Will you be nervous? Probably.
Is it worth it? Absolutely.
Do your part, then give it to God. He is in control.
Abundant blessings,
It was a lot of fun this year, wasn’t it? Even down to our pajama party! 🙂 I loved spending time with you, Diane, and DiAnn! Thanks for sharing, Loretta! Miss you.
You’re a great actor, Loretta!
Thanks Peter, you did a great job, too. It was fun. Thanks for the autographed copy of your book.
My pleasure!
Yes Darlene. We had a blast this year. The pajama party was fabulous. Too bad we didn’t have more time to hang out. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing you, Diane, and DiAnn.
Thank you!
Oh, I should thank you, DiAnn. I look forward to next month’s post featuring…YOU. Have a fabulous time on your trip to the Holy Land.
Can’t wait for you to share about your experience at our next Byhalia Christian Writers meeting!
Loved reading this, Loretta! I went to the 2011 WFTS conference and felt just like you. That’s how I met my agent, when she asked for my full ms. I would have loved to have gone this year, but I couldn’t make it. Steven James and Diann Mills are two of my favorite authors. 🙂 I’m looking forward to hearing more of your story at BCW!
Thank you, Jessica. I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned at the conference and meeting you. Steven James and DiAnn Mills are wonderful people, great teachers, and of course, wonderful authors.