Despite the virus threats, our family gathered for a fabulous Thanksgiving meal together. Of course, we all chipped in and prepared a dish. As with every holiday gathering, we overate and enjoyed every bite.
After clearing the table, all the ladies sat and sorted through the Black Friday sales ads. We cut coupons, make our lists, mapped out our course, and headed home. Five o’clock in the morning would arrive early, but, hey, we’d make the doorbuster sales.
By four o’clock I was up, dressed in our matching Christmas T-shirts and matching Christmas face masks, and sipping on my liquid energy, coffee. No way could I begin an eighteen-hour shopping spree without some hot java. Sure enough, my daughter and daughter-in-law showed up on my doorstep at five, sharp. We were on a mission!
Store, after store, after store, my daughter’s large SUV filled with packages. We made a quick stop at her house to unload before continuing our journey. One quick stop for a sausage biscuit, and we were at it again.
Shopping, shopping, shopping. The day went by and her vehicle filled again. Packages spilled over into the back seat, the floorboard, and the front seat passenger floor. Oh my! I barely had room for my feet. We laughed, danced around the stores, and had a great time. We stuck together and never let each other out of our sight. The world is a different place these days, and not always safe.
By eleven that evening, we finally called it quits and returned home. I’m sure if we’d had more space in the car, we may have continued a while longer. But by this time, stores were closing.
Side note: Now, I’m no spring chicken, so I was pleasantly surprised that I held up the entire day. While this article is no commercial, I must tell you that my new Sketcher Go-Max tennis shoes kept my feet, legs, and knees feeling chipper. Yay! Back to my story…
Wearing face masks, using hand sanitizer, and observing the required social distancing didn’t hinder our day. We focused on being together and enjoying a beautiful day while selecting gifts for loved ones. I’m elated the shopping is over, and I’ve since, wrapped all the presents and placed them under the tree. Now I can relax and start preparing for more upcoming Christmas festivities with family and friends.
What about you? Were you crazy enough to weather the pandemic on Black Friday and shop until you dropped like us? How did social distancing work for you?
I’d love to hear your stories and any tips you may have that will make our future Black Friday shopping sprees even more eventful and fun.
Comment below for a chance to win a FREE copy of Pandemic Moments by Yvonne Lehman. A collection of true encounters during the 2020 pandemic. My story is included, too. I’ll draw one name on December 19, and announce the winner on my Facebook page.
Stay well, stay safe, and keep the Christmas Spirit.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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