The story of Rahab has fascinated Bible students and laypersons for centuries. Her story appears in a mere two chapters in the book of Joshua, and the events are curious right from the start. The book opens with God commissioning Joshua to lead the Israelites after the death of their leader Moses. Yet no sooner do the people come to the edge of the Promised Land than God puts the whole drama on hold to tell us the story of a Canaanite prostitute.
This interruption of the conquest story is not an accident, and it gives us our first glimpse into the theological significance of Rahab’s story.
When we come to the New Testament, Rahab holds a surprisingly prominent position in several key faith passages. For starters, she is listed in the lineage of Christ! She even marries a prince! The prostitute marries a prince! This is the stuff of Hollywood movies and romance novels. The heartbeat of the Bible is God’s passionate pursuit of His adulterous bride—a theme that echoes within the depths of every human heart.
I have a secret to share with you: Rahab’s story is our story.
It’s a story centered on three key themes, without which there would be no Bible, no gospel, and no Savior. These themes are faith, grace, and salvation. Here is a woman who witnessed no miracles and knew none of God’s laws. She merely heard of God’s power and, in reverent fear, believed.
Through her daring faith, Rahab hid enemy spies, defied her king, risked her life, and found the living God. As a result, Rahab’s faith is called out in several key New Testament passages (not to mention she is listed in the lineage of Christ!). At the end of the day, it was Rahab’s revertant fear of the LORD that gave Rahab the courage to boldly step out in faith.
What would it look like for you follow Rahab’s example?
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)
This article is an excerpt from Shadia Hrichi’s new Bible study, RAHAB: Rediscovering the God Who Saves Me. Copyright @2023 Shadia Hrichi and Leafwood Publishers. Used with permission.
Shadia Hrichi is a passionate Bible teacher, award-winning author, and speaker who stirs the hearts and minds of her audience through personal story, illustration, and her unwavering confidence in the authority of God’s Word.
She holds a master’s in biblical and theological studies as well as a master’s in criminal justice. Shadia is the author of several Bible studies, including RAHAB, TAMAR, HAGAR, LEGION, and WORTHY OF LOVE and the recipient of the 2022 WCCW “God’s Word is Alive” Award. Residing in northern California, Shadia is often invited to speak at churches, conferences, women’s retreats and other events, and loves to visit the ocean each week for “a date with Jesus.”
Connect with Shadia on social media.
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