Some people select a word for the year as a personal focus for their new year. I selected Steadfast as my word for the next twelve months. I desire to remain steadfast and jump any hurdles that come my way with a positive attitude, unwavering in my actions and faith.
Then, on January 4, as I surfed social media, I ran across a post by DaySpring inviting people to take their word for the year quiz. I do not participate in quizzes like this, but it captured my interest. I clicked on the post, and it took me to their website. Several questions popped up, so I played along and answered them. In a few seconds, it generated my word for the year. Create. I liked it.
Since “create” hits home with me and correlates with writing, I’ve claimed both words for 2025.
Steadfast and Create
I plan to press forward and create more inspirational romantic suspense stories for readers looking for a clean read and remain steadfast in everything I do.
What about you? Do you select a word, phrase, or scripture verse for the year? I’d love to hear what you’ve chosen.
Happy New Year!
Award-winning author Loretta Eidson loves writing romantic suspense. She won the 2023 Romance Novel of the Year in AWSA’s Golden Scroll Awards and was a finalist in the 2023 Blue Ridge Mountains Director’s Choice Award in General Fiction. She has three Love Inspired Suspense novels published. Pursued in the Wilderness, Blue Ridge Mountain Escape, and The Marine’s Deadly Reunion. You can find her books on Amazon.
Loretta is an AWSA Certified coach who loves encouraging aspiring writers. Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency is her agent. She enjoys coffee, caramel, and chai tea lattes and lives close to her family in Olive Branch, Mississippi.
Where I’ve not used a word of the year before, this year I decided to start small. Instead of a word for the year, I’m going to go with a word of the month. It seems fitting to me since life has a way of changing from time to time as the seasons change. My word for January has been INSPIRE. Thinking about this month, which is usually the gloomiest month of the year mainly because of the winter weather that decides to show all it’s glory in January and partly because after all the hype of the holiday season the after math can be somewhat of a let down even though the reason for the season stays with us year round. So I have decided to wake up each morning to find myself INSPIRED to make this a great day regardless of the weather, how many days we have been in a stay at home situation because we can’t get out of the driveway and how I might be feeling (because cold, humid days play great havoc on the body when you already suffer from great pain). It really has helped with the winter attitude and a great spirit lifter. As the month is coming to a close, I’m trying to think of the best word for February.
Good for you, Kay. I love your January word. Inspire and I’ll be interested in hearing what February’s word will be. Blessings to you, my friend!
I just read your post and cannot believe that I chose Steadfast as well as my 2025 word. To the point that I start by daily Wordle with stead (gives great starting letters too). This reminds me daily that the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases. I like your idea that I remain steadfast to the LORD and to the task I am called to as well. Blessings.
I love it, Shelia. During church yesterday my pastor mentioned that the church will remain steadfast in 2025. It’s amazing how our ears are alert to the words we’ve chosen. By the way, I’ve never played Wordle. Maybe I should check it out. Blessings to you!
Last year a friend in hospice chose the word “hope” then chose for 2025 Rejoicing. In one of her last instructions, she wanted her family and friends to choose the same word and we did. We have been rejoicing with her as she is now in the presence of her Lord and Savior.
Hope and Rejoicing are wonderful words with deep meaning. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. I’m rejoicing with her, too, as she basks in the presence of her loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
I chose “diligence” as my word for the year, but the Dayspring test also suggested “create” for me.
Diligence is great, too. Looks like you and I will be creative this year, my friend!
My words this year are organize and weed. Things have gotten away from me this past year or so. Our son (42) was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer (and has no health insurance, so no treatment). Our gardens got away from us and the weeds won. It will take a lot of work to reclaim them. My husband and I are Red Cross disaster volunteers. We have been kept busy with house fires all year and this year has started badly. We responded to 8 families for fires in the past 2 weeks. In addition, we live in NE TN which was hard hit by Helene. We set up and ran a shelter the first night and worked in various capacities for the next 6 weeks. We are still doing some follow-up work. The house is starting to look like hoarder central. Things were piling up before, but they have gotten way ahead of me. This month, we are busy with doctor appointments. Two cataract surgeries, an infected tooth, root canal, crown, trying to get a finalization on a Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis, and eye issues. It does feel like chaos has gotten the upper hand. It has just been hard to buckle down, get organized, and get to work on everything that needs to be done. What we need is a break, but it would all be here waiting for us when we get back. I made a little bit of headway this weekend, but have a long way to go.
Oh my, Patricia! You’ve got a lot weighing on you. Organize and weed sounds like a perfect word fit for your year. I’m sorry to hear about your son’s diagnosis and all the health issues in your family. I will add you to my prayer list. There is nothing too difficult for God. One day at a time and one step at a time. Hold tight to your faith and don’t lose hope. Thank you for volunteering with the Red Cross. What a blessing you and your husband are to serve others amidst your own trials.
This is my first time to choose a word of focus for the year.. I chose content or contentment. I want to learn to be content in whatever my circumstances might be, trusting God to take care of everything.
Amen to that, Carolyn! Content and contentment are great choices.
I am laughing because I picked “let go” as short for surrender.
I’d forgotten about the DaySpring quiz and just took it. And, like many of you, it gave me the word surrender!
God is so cool!!
Oh, wow, Judith! Don’t you love it when God confirms even the little things in life. Let go/Surrender are perfect.
Since we, in the Bible Study group I’m in, were just finishing Ephesians, I begin to notice that Stand was showing up lots and it started showing up in my Daily Devotional. I decided Stand Firm must be my words for this year.
Stand Firm is what we all must do! I love those words for your year!